Insecure Writer’s Support Group – March

Insecure Writer’s Support Group

March 1 Question: Have you ever pulled out a really old story and reworked it? Did it work out?

It has been hard for me to keep up with regular IWSG posts. Family sickness has turned my life upside down for several months now. I hope things are finally starting to calm down and I can get back to my regular writing schedule.

This month’s question applies to something I just started working on last week. I pulled out an old story and started reworking it. The story has been on my mind for some time now. Ideas have been brewing in my brain and I decided to take advantage of some calm time to start on it.

I have been incorporating K.M. Weiland’s ‘Crafting Unforgettable Characters’ and the ‘World Building Cheat Sheet’ by Autumn Birt Raven. Both are free downloads and contain a wealth of valuable information.

Happy Writing to all of you!

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