RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #167 Touch&Miss

Write a Haiku


Remember to come back and visit the comments section during the week for your fellow poets entries!

Haiku Poetry Prompt Writing Challenge Useful Links.
Thesaurus: Touch, Miss.

Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge Image 2016

The Guidelines are simple.

  1. Take the two words and write a Haiku. I use Haiku in Englishas my style, which is 5 syllables for the first line, 7 for the second, and 5 for the third, but you can use what you like. The link above has links within it to articles about how to write Haibun, Tanka, and even a new form I created called Freku. You can also do the 3/5/3 form if you likeinstead of the 5/7/5 that I usually use. Write, share, and have fun. For syllable help visit (You would be surprised at how many syllables some words actually have.)
  2. The two words can be used as you…

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